What Does Yachad Mean To You?


Zachary Perlmutter, a member of Toronto Yachad, wrote this beautiful letter about what Yachad means to him.

“Growing up as an Autistic individual was no easy feat. Doubly so in the Jewish community. Sure, there were always outlets for growth, and my parents were always incredibly supportive of me, but when it came to safe, friendly spaces where people could relate to me on a personal level, I always felt at a loss. I always felt like everyone was moving ahead at too fast a pace, leaving me behind and struggling.

That’s why Yachad is so great. Not only do I have a safe place where I can be myself, but I can do it without feeling like a fish out of water. Because everyone in Yachad, be it adviser or participant, is out of their comfort zone on some level, and it’s through that that we can all grow as individuals. Not to mention, there are individuals who can relate to me on a personal level in the process, making it that much less awkward.

And this is why I recommend Yachad so strongly to parents and family members of those individuals with special challenges. Is it awkward at first? Perhaps, but I guarantee that the benefits far outweigh the initial awkwardness. And besides, at the end of the day, the experiences and life skills gained from Yachad will overshadow any doubts you may have at first glance. And really, isn’t that what matters most? I think so!”

If you’d like to share what Yachad means to you, please email us. You too could be featured in an upcoming newsletter!