Welcome to Camp Lavi!! This week was our first week of camp, and so far we have done so many awesome activities!
Trip Day
This week we had our first camper trip day! We started our day by going to watch Despicable Me 3! We loved watching and snacking during the movie! After, we headed to a camp site that had swimming, trampolines, slides, a campfire, and arcade games. Everyone enjoyed themselves! To end our perfect first trip day, we all sat around the campfire and enjoyed s’mores! We can’t wait for our next one!
Spotlight of the Week
This week we wanted to highlight our favorite night activity- The Fourth of July carnival! Everyone dressed up in red, white and blue, and put on face paint! We all had fun going on rides, dancing, and eating delicious food! We got to know each other better and have a great time! We hope their will be more awesome carnival in the future weeks.