Moshava Ennismore Voc 2017 - Week 4
Moshava Ennismore Voc 2017 - Week 4

| We had an Amazing Week!!! |


It has been a busy week! We did a lot of work around
camp and went to some fun Peulot. Our four week
session is coming to an end and we are saying goodbye
to Coby. Coby did some outstanding work in Shekem
this summer!! These last two weeks in Shekem will be
hard without him. On a happier note we are excited to
welcome Kenny Freeman for the two week session. Each
day in camp is filled with new and exciting opportunities.
We are all so happy to be here. I am looking forward to
having another amazing week with the best crew in
Have a great week,
Yoyo Ettinger,
Program Director, Yachad Moshava Ennismore


Working at the Gan
One of our favorite jobs
in camp is working at the
Gan. Every day a different
Vocational member goes
to help watch the kids.
They love playing- Hide
and Go Seek. It is so fun
being with the kids!

Coby’s Siyum
This was Coby’s final
week of camp. We are so
sad to see him go. Coby
and his Chaburah from
Mach Hach put together
a Siyum. Coby led a Shiur
in the Beit Midrash. There
was a very big turnout.
Kol Hakavod Coby!!

Shabbat was nice and
restful. We enjoyed
Mifkad, Daled Tisch,
Eating the Challot we
baked and being with
everyone. Shabbat is the
best time for us to sing
and catch up with all the
campers and Tzevet.

Escape Room
Our favorite Night Tochnit
this week was the- Beit
Midrash Escape room. We
Conquered Jerusalem in 30
minutes. It took a lot of
team work but we reached
the end in excellent time.
We really enjoyed it! Thank
you to the dedicated Beit
Midrash Tzevet.

Tisha Ba’av Play
We put on a production of
the story- Kamtza and Bar
Kamtza. We did three
showings. One for the Gan
kids and two for staff and
campers. We worked very
hard in preparation for the
play and it made Tisha Ba’av
very meaningful for us. We
are happy we were able to
contribute to the camp
Tisha Ba’av programing.

Favorite thing this week-
Josh- Escape room and working in the Gan.
Elay- Staff Tisch and Afiah.
Coby- His Siyum and the Tisha Ba’av play.
Morel- Melechet Yad and Shekem.
Ariella-Coby’s Siyum and Melechet Yad.
Carolyn- Tisha Ba’av play and Daled Tisch.
Rosie- Working at Shekem and Challah Baking.
Talya- Afiah and Working at Shekem.
Rikki-Coby’s Siyum and Afiah.

A few words- Talya Sokol:
Peulot around camp-
This Week I did a few Peulot around camp. I went to Afiah
(baking) and baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with the
Gan kids. I also went to Melechet Yad (art) and drew a
picture of bubbles with special paint. I like the Peulot in