Getaway 2017 Week 1

Welcome! Thank you for reading our newsletter! We are so excited about all the things we have already done, and we want YOU to learn more about what we do every day! If you would like to see more photos of the group please visit Day One: we were so excited to finally arrive […]
Read MoreGetaway 2017 has begun!

Despite the long drive, all participants were thrilled upon their arrival at Grace Manor! The long-awaited start to Getaway 2017 was finally here! Participants were greeted with cheering and songs, laughter and signs, and tons of warmth and excitement. We just can’t wait for our first full day tomorrow!
Read MoreGetaway 2016 - Week 1

It’s incredible to believe how much time on Getaway has flown by- and what a week it was! From Human guess-who to water fights and paint fights, baking challah and playing Bingo, Human Fooseball and canvas painting and our exciting visit to Bailiwick Farm (picture below), it was a jam packed week of non-stop […]
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