Our community had the privilege this week of hosting over 100 teens and Yachad members this past Shabbat. Yachad is a non-profit organization that opens its doors to all individuals with disabilities and to all ages. The shabbaton was a combination of teens on one-year gap programs and of Israeli high school and post high school young adults. It was a tremendous experience to watch everyone interact with one another.
We had at our Shabbat table several teens and three Yachad members – our table lit up when the girls starting singing zmirot. One of the Yachad girls in a wheelchair with low functioning smiled with her eyes as well as her lips and moved her head in excitement. The madrichim are called advisors and it was an incredibly special moment to watch the advisors take care of these very special individuals without hesitation. Now, granted, there is a social motive for the teens but I have to say that activities such as these can introduce these young adults to something that they would have never experienced.
We hosted the group in our backyard for seudat shlishit (even though we’re supposed to want it rain in the winter, I was grateful for a respite from the rain so that they could all go outside). The teens prepared the entire meal. One of the Yachad members staying at my house kept cleaning up the plates and making sure there was no garbage left behind. Havdala was an extra treat – the backyard was filled with singing, cheering and so much joy.
There’s no doubt that these unique people gave us so much more than what we gave them this Shabbat.
Kol Hakavod to everyone!
This article was written by Carly Meltz on Modiinfo.com. Click here to view the original article.