Day 23: Build an accessible world


All around the world, people with disabilities have become more accepted, appreciated, and included. But the reality is that far too many buildings, activities, and transportation systems are still off-limits to those with mobility impairments, effectively prohibiting them from participating in certain aspects of daily life. Consider this: Of the 500+ NYC Subway stations, less than 100 are wheelchair accessible. 


If people with disabilities are to be provided with the same opportunities to earn employment or participate in social events society must ensure that its institutions offer suitable access. If you notice that too many of your subway stations are failing in this regard, write to your legislators and encourage them to allocate funds towards disability access. If your Synagogue’s communal spaces or sanctuaries are inaccessible to those with mobility impairments, work with other community members to ensure that proper improvements are made. 


Society benefits when everyone is given the opportunity to participate. Let’s make sure they have adequate resources to do so.