Day 29:MARCHing Forward

Marching Forward

What’s next? As February comes to a close, we look at the coming months and years with a great sense of optimism and excitement. How many more synagogues will install wheelchair accessible ramps in their sanctuaries? How many more summer programs will open their doors to those with disabilities? How many more young children will build inclusive friendships? 

Like the many achievements until this point, they won’t happen naturally, rather requiring the efforts, activism, and sensitivity of those who understand our community’s potential when it creates spaces for those with disabilities. Stay involved with Yachad, whether through events and Shabbatonim or by simply adopting our mission to build an inclusive world. Speak up at school events to ensure that all students can participate in activities, chair fundraisers in support of accessible spaces, call your representative and urge them to offer more accessible transportation options. 

Let’s build communities in which everyone belongs!