Wow, I can’t believe we only have 1 more week left to camp. It has
been such an amazing summer here at Moshava Ba’Ir NJ. We have
had the opportunity to have unbelievable jobs, that we all love doing!
We are so thankful to Moshava Ba’Ir for such a welcoming
We start off our day with bringing the late campers to their bunks,
refilling the snack boxes in the staff lounge, and putting up the swim
tents in the Eidah Aleph and Bet rooms.
At around 9:30, we organize the chairs upstairs and put away all the
Siddurim so the room is ready for lunch.
By 9:45, we all gather together and prepare snack for the whole camp.
Right after snack we head upstairs and prepare the lunchroom for all
the campers to eat lunch.
After lunch, we all split up and work in various activities throughout the
camp. We help take inventory in the art room, we wash the dishes in
Bishul, we organize and return items in the lost and found, we help out
in Gan Chyaot, and refill the water coolers outside. These are just
some of the many jobs we help put in at camp.
This week at MBNJ we had a lot of fun during circle time, and learned
a lot of great new things about ourselves. We were able to make our
own personalized Pizza’s in Bishul. And we took an amazing trip to
Turtle Back zoo where we were able to enjoy all the animals.
This week we had a lot of fun at camp and we are all looking forward
to spending the day at Nesher for Yom Nate B’YAchd on Monday.
Have an unbelievable Shabbos and a meaningful fast,
Tisha Ba’av is coming up, it’s one of the saddest disasters on the
Jewish calendar.
This day commemorates the destruction of the second Beis
Hamikdash, exile and some other tragedies on the Jewish people. To
understand what led up to such an event, here are several morals by
Charley Harary.
First, we must not act scared, thinking we can’t accomplish the
impossible and think that G-d is not with us, this was during the time
of the sin of the spies who journeyed to the land of Israel.
Second, lack of unity and not treating each other properly led up to
the destruction.
Third, winning is not G-d’s motive for success but rather it is unity.
The Jews thought that it was all about winning.
Lastly we should know that we are all in this world to share
inspiration and let others know about our G-d, that he is king.
Have an easy and meaningful fast everyone.
Written by: Michael Silverman