Day Thirty Two: Monday, August 12th: Kotel, Ben Yehuda, and Banquet!

We began our day with a meaningful trip to the Kotel. We were given time to connect to what we were mourning on Tisha B’Av, as well as what we had to look forward to on our next trip to Israel. While our participants were waiting for Bus 2 to arrive, we celebrated a family’s […]
Read MoreDay Thirty One: Sunday, August 11th: Tisha B’Av and Break-Fast at Bardak

Dear YBY Journal, After having an amazing and inspirational last Shabbos in Yerushalayim, we observed Tisha B’Av starting Motzei Shabbos. We went to an overlook to hear Eicha and read kinnot. That night, we also had a kumzits. On Sunday we began the day with davening, including reading kinnot. It was very special to daven […]
Read MoreDay Thirty: Shabbat, August 10th: Final Shabbat in Yerushalayim!

On Friday night, we got into groups and played a game in which everyone pretended to be a figure and the figure had to be guessed. On Shabbat day, we had our last Shabbat davening and our last kiddush, a little more relaxed compared to the previous ones. We had circle time where games were […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Nine: Friday, August 9th: Yad Vashem and Ben Yehuda!

Friday was an awesome day. First, we went to Yad Vashem and had a moving experience as we learned about the history of the Holocaust and the Antisemitism leading up to it. We went through many exhibits showing all the hate that was thrown at the Jewish people and all of what they went through. […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Eight: Thursday, August 8th: Volunteering in Factory, Weizmann Institute of Science, and Special Dinner in Gush Etzion!

Hi Yad B’Yad Fam! Today was a super exciting day! First, we started our busy day by going to a factory who many of the workers were blind and deaf. We helped them with their jobs and I took pictures of everyone. After that, Benjy Aryeh made a siyum for lunch and we were therefore […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Seven: Wednesday, August 7th: Yom HaChanich!

Today was Yom HaChanich and campers replaced counselors and head staff! The head staff created color war for the participants to partake in. Amichai Miller, the program director, made an amazing schedule. Team time was first. The teams made their flag, speeches, and dance. Next, we had Minute to Win It. Each team sent up […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Six: Tuesday, August 6th: Dialogue in the Dark, Invitation to Silence, and Beit Issie Shapiro!

On Tuesday, we started off by going to Dialogue in the Dark and Invitation to Silence. We got to experience a taste of what life is like for people who are blind and people who are deaf. After that, we went to a small park to have a delicious lunch of bagels and cream cheese […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Five: Monday, August 5th: Food Packaging, Bikur Cholim, Har Herzl, and the Biblical Zoo!

Today was a funnnn day!!! In the morning, each bus participated in a chesed activity. Bus 1 packaged food and it was a blast! Bus 2 went to Sharei Tzedek to visit people in the hospital. After the chesed trips, the buses reunited in a cool park to have a delicious lunch. Next, the buses […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Four: Sunday, August 4th: Ben Gurion’s Grave, Emek Tzurim Sifting Project, and Deal or No Deal!

Hi Everyone! On Sunday, we left Mitzpeh Ramon and went to David Ben Gurion’s grave. Then we went to the sifting project in Jerusalem. My group found stones, some people found other things. Then we got to the hotel in Jerusalem and played a great game of Deal or No Deal Curfew Edition. It was […]
Read MoreDay Twenty Three: Shabbat, August 3rd: Desserts and Deserts Shabbat and Human Codenames!

On Shabbos, we davened by the crater and it was beautiful. Shabbos morning, we had davening and then kiddush and a learning program by Jodi. The learning program talked about Torah and science, which I didn’t understand at first because I thought the Torah just talks about the laws of Judaism, but I learned that […]
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