Dear YBY Journal,
After having an amazing and inspirational last Shabbos in Yerushalayim, we observed Tisha B’Av starting Motzei Shabbos. We went to an overlook to hear Eicha and read kinnot. That night, we also had a kumzits. On Sunday we began the day with davening, including reading kinnot. It was very special to daven kinnot on YBY because before every kinnah, there was a dvar Torah explaining what the kinnah was about. After davening, we had the opportunity to take part in special learning programs. One of the programs that was so special was an ‘ahavat chinam’ program. We were split up into groups and in each group every person wrote a note to the other participants in their group. By the end of this program, every participant had a paper with their name on it filled with notes from friends. On the fast day, we also had the opportunity to rest and watch movies. Later in the day, we davened Mincha and heard from Rav Horn from Yeshivat HaKotel. Rav Horn spoke about living in galut and also discussed guela. We then went to an overlook and had a kumzits there. The location of the kumzits overlooked where the Beit Hamikdash was. After that, we davened Maariv and had breakfast at Bardak Restaurant. It was very meaningful to spend Tisha B’Av on YBY. May Mashiach come soon and the Beit Hamikdash be rebuilt speedily!
Sophia Greenblatt