Hey, this is Hannah Kleid and Daniella Shields!
This Shabbos was sadly our last Shabbos together on Yad B’ Yad. On Friday night, we went to daven Mincha and Maariv on a beautiful lookout of the Kotel. We then headed to dinner and enjoyed a delicious meal. After, we all walked backed as a group to the hotel on a long walk. The walk was a bonding experience for everyone, and everyone enjoyed our last Shabbos together. On Saturday morning, we davened Shacharit and enjoyed a kiddush with chips, cookies, and cakes. We then had a learning program where we learned about how to make time for things we are passionate about. Then, we headed to lunch and sat at tables based on our best qualities. We had our final circle time, which included many roasts towards Josh, of course. We had a long menucha, people slept, ate, and relaxed with friends during this time. We then had a Shabbos party with our learning groups and shared meaningful experiences with each other. After, we had reflections about our growth over the summer. We then ate before the fast and got ready for the night ahead. Shoutout to Efraim Wiener!