Yoooooo what’s poppinnnn?!?! It’s ya boiz, Mayer and David here, (from Baltimore and the Jersey Shore respectively), and it’s our last Friday together here on Yad B’Yad! We started our day off with an amazing minyan and a 5-cochav breakfast! Then, we loaded the buses, and went to the Weizmann Science museum. We had kilotons of fun!! We saw some off-the-light-spectrum exhibits, like this weird pulley bungee-jumping sorta machine and some cool spinny stuff that made you spin faster the less of a circumference you allowed your body to have!! There was also some colorful sand, flowers, and scorpions. Not to mention, there was even an ultrasound machine!! How cool?!?! After that, we went to have lunch on some nice grass, and some of the YBY gang members even had races. Moshe Stuart, the best counselor, was the fastest by far! Then, we went back to the Ramat Rachel Hotel to get ready for our Holy, last Shabbat in Jerusalem and on YBY! After some expectation-following pictures, we loaded the buses to go the heart of the Old City for an amazing Kabbalat Shabbat on a rooftop, right overlooking the Kotel and the Temple Mount. Being a Tisha B’Av where we feasted as it was Shabbat, that view penetrated our hearts. It’s one that we won’t forget! As the sun set over Jerusalem, we finished up Maariv/ Arbit, and had an awesome dinner at Aish. We had an AISH time there lol. Anywayssss, we had a nice 2-hour walk back to the hotel. It was a blast and a walk that brought us all together. Coming back to the hotel, we all passed out, ending our last, amazing Friday here on YBY! Additionally, a shout out to the one and only Efraim Wiener who has been a real inspiration throughout the summer and who we will definitely miss! What a stellar dude!!!
Keepin it real,
Da Boiz,
Mayer and David,
From Baltimore and the Jersey Shore respectively