Hey everyone! It’s Tova, Ben and Elana, and we are here to tell you about the incredible day we had today! After most of us had late nights in the Bedouin tents, we woke up bright and early at 6:30am (shout out to all of our counselors for being able to wake all of us up after we got less than four hours of sleep!!) After a good breakfast we loaded the busses and caught up on sleep during the drive to Masada. We took the cable cars up, and the higher we went, the better the views got! When we got to the top, we learned about Herod’s Fortress and walked through it’s remnants. Although it felt like we were in an oven and we were all shvitzing, the experience was really cool and the views were unbeatable! After we took the cable cars back down we ate schwarma for lunch in the visitors center where we also had a chance to buy snacks and look around in the gift shop (shout out to Efraim for trying on a bunch of really cool hats!!) After lunch, we loaded the busses and enjoyed catching up on more sleep on our way to the Dead Sea. We went to an area of the sea that was split by gender, so the girls went to one side and the boys to another. We had about an hour to just chill and float in the beautiful water, lay out in the sun, bond with friends, and of course take photos 🙂 After the heat of Masada it was nice to feel refreshed in the Dead Sea (even though the water was surprisingly really hot because of the temperature outside!!) After the amazing and relaxing time we had at the Dead Sea, we got back on the busses to head to Eilat. Then, out of nowhere, Bus #2 broke down in the middle of the road and had to wait for a replacement bus to come. But it was all good because afterwards we went to a gas station and had the chance to buy ice cream and snacks (and food makes everything better!!) After getting back on track and the replacement bus came, we drove for around an hour and a half, got even more sleep, and finally made it to Eilat! Before we arrived, the sun was setting, so we pulled over and said Mincha on the side of the road which was a cool experience! The sunset in the desert hills was a really special place to daven, and we put everything aside to focus on our davening and take in the moment. After loading the busses for the final time of the day, we reached our hotel and ate a good dinner. Our nights ended with playing deal or no deal for our curfew which was a fun time! Overall today was a really enjoyable day and we are excited for our day in Eilat tomorrow! Oh and shout out to Mordy!